This newsletter is overdue! Thank you for your patience as we have been adjusting a few of our team members’ responsibilities. COVID-19 has changed the way many of us work, how our kids do school, how we connect with our friends and loved ones, and how we travel. But we are grateful that we serve a God who is the same yesterday, today and forever! He has definitely been teaching all of us in this waiting period.
I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
Psalm 27:13-14
Mobilize Medical Update
Are you staying healthy? Are you finding community online? Are you keeping active? You matter to us and we are praying for you and your families. This year has been a wild ride! We too are facing the world’s frustrations and constant changes alongside you, and though we are excitedly anticipating what global medical ministry will look like in 2021, it can feel like looking through a foggy car window going 50 mph. We are so anxious to get back to serving with our global partners on their home turf, but for now God says wait.
Many of you are also waiting with great expectation to get back to the mission field. Please pray with us as we navigate the complexities we face in moving trips forward. Complexities such as limited flights, partner restrictions in receiving Americans, funding, in country quarantines and new customs regulations. It’s a whole new world out there. But when God is for us, who can be against us? We’re moving forward in His time, for His glory. Stay tuned! As we have new mission trip schedules we will let you now ASAP.
So as we wait, God has allowed us to serve several partners in creative ways as we pivot to what global ministry looks like from a ZOOM screen.
Staying Connected
We want to give a big THANK YOU to those of you who have contributed to the Global Crisis Fund. The needs are astounding, but God has been doing great things! One project we have been working on is in Honduras.

Honduras, like many other countries, continues to see a rise in the number of COVID-19 cases. With the increased spread of the virus and mandated lockdowns, Honduras also identified a rise in domestic abuse. This propelled us to come alongside our partners there and empower them to develop a project that they named Connected by the Word.
Through virtual meetings, we talked through the problems and brainstormed ideas together of what they could do to help their hurting community. The Honduras team realized that young people were experiencing abuse and did not have a way to reach out for help. They devised a plan to keep them connected via phone. The team consulted with a local lawyer, created a permission form, developed a curriculum, and identified who would benefit from being in this project. Through this program, vulnerable women and children are given a stipend of phones and data plans (something that is the first thing to go when food is scarce and people are without jobs). This program will allow the Child Champions to keep in contact with the children and families, and encourage them in the Lord through texts and online gatherings.
Last weekend, the team completed the enrollment process, and they started making phone calls. Please pray with us that relationships are built, safety is addressed and Jesus’ love is spread.
More Updates Coming Soon
As we mentioned above, the needs are astounding, but we are so grateful for your partnership. We will share more details in the next newsletter about the Global Crisis Fund and what God is doing in Kenya. He is so good!