Peek into Leadership Coaching and Development

Why do we have multiple ministry facets within our organization, and how do they relate? Through leadership coaching and development, pastoral training, and global medical clinics, we share the same aim. We develop workers to mobilize ministry where they’re at.  

The main goal: end discipleship poverty because Jesus is for everyone!  

With this purpose in mind, we are providing opportunities for ministry training, counsel and care, leadership mentoring, and access for the church in multiple nations to meet the physical and emotional needs of their surrounding community.

Leadership Coaching and Development: Men’s Retreat Recap

In August, some from our staff initiated a secluded and focused men’s retreat in Northern Arizona. Many thanks to “Top of the World” for hosting us so generously!  

Six men met together over the span of a couple days, emulating the heart of Developing Workers’ intention to build up leadership through mentorship and care. The men dove into the book Experiencing the Trinity by Darrell W. Johnson, digging into what it means to walk with the Trinity and resonate with our Triune God. They pondered together questions like, “How do we understand what it means to really embrace who we are in Christ because of what Christ has done for us?” The whole Trinity concept directed them (and us!) to the fact that He is with us, perhaps deepening an understanding and reminding them of the value in the “us-ness” present within the communion of the Trinity.  

It was a time of sharing stories, confessing, receiving and giving care, praying, spending time in solitude, enjoying great food, and overall, a time for healing and restoration.

Do you or your church leadership need this type of input?  Reach out to us today.

Do you want to partner with our ministry to church leadership locally and globally?

Give for the first time online or initiate your own donor portal to continue giving from.

Give again to fund the work of Developing Workers and specific trip participants for this fall.

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