At the heart of our work is a team of staff and volunteers who dream together and commit themselves to ministry and mission as a daily lifestyle. Developing Workers is richly blessed with godly people devoted to seeing the end to discipleship poverty at every level, but this week we’ll take a look at its foundation.
Meet a member of our Advisory Board, Mrs. Emily Brummund
How did you learn about the work of Developing Workers?
I learned about DWG from Kelly Ramsland, who I had coached in her CliftonStrengths. We became fast friends over our love for Jesus and Global Missions. At that time, DWG was just getting started as a 501c3, so I have had the opportunity to watch it grow from a one man shop to a growing and flourishing organization.
How long have you been connected to DW?
I have been connected to DWG since it began to shift from Michael’s coaching organization to a full-blown global missions and leadership development organization.
What compels you to be involved in DW and its oversight as the advisory board?
I love missions and I love developing leaders. So, when Michael asked me to be involved, I was in. It is so fulfilling to watch the gospel be shared while also meeting the medical and emotional needs of precious individuals all over the world. Also, as a strengths and leadership coach, watching Michael and Matt train pastors to equip them to share the gospel has been so exciting. We are watching the Great Commission in real time!
What hopes do you have for the future of DW?
I am so excited to see DWG grow. The opportunities are endless and as organizations see our success, they want to partner with us. These partnerships allow our mission to grow even beyond our own capacity. Also, as we have worked to document our “secret sauce” of success, we can train up even more leaders and organizations to reach the unreached.
Do you want to partner with our ministry as a volunteer trainer, trip participant, or other capacity? Reach out to us today.
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Give again to fund the work of Developing Workers and specific trip participants for this fall.