Teaching the Trinity and Parker Family Update
Investing Deeply: Steven felt called to ministry during a 2019 mission trip to Honduras. Now, he’s a passionate communicator of God’s Word, leading and serving with a full heart.
Supporting Youth Pastors
Developing Workers is committed to coaching and encouraging youth pastors.
Insider Look: Book Recs
Want an insider look into what we use when we are discipling our leaders? These books are not just helpful for our leaders, but are books we recommend for YOU as well!
Continuing Our Journey in Discipleship
This week, we are excited to introduce our very own discipleship curriculum called Foundations. Designed to mirror Jesus’ method with His disciples, Foundations offers a structured yet personal journey, suitable for small groups or one-on-one study.
Together on Mission: The Indian Ocean Initiative
Global Surge has invited Developing Workers to join the Indian Ocean Initiative (IOI), a strategic plan to mobilize global workers into every country bordering the Indian Ocean over the next five years.
Investing in the Next Generation
Ever wondered what coaching for pastors truly entails? It’s about diving deep into the challenges they face, providing support where it’s needed most, and guiding them towards growth and fulfillment in their personal and professional lives.
Discipleship Material Spotlight
We’re actively empowering pastors and leaders to cultivate multiplying disciples within their communities.
New Adventures with DW!
Michael and Matt are making waves at the Global Surge conference this week. They’re diving deep into networking and connecting with pastors from all corners of the globe.
Bible College in Kenya
Pastor Daniel Chai and the Kombe family have initiated a Bible college in Kakoneni, Kenya, dedicated to equipping future leaders for ministry.
Year end goal update!
As we bid farewell to 2023, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support throughout the year.