Have you ever stopped to wonder about the behind-the-scenes inner workings of a ministry such as Developing Workers?
Though the impact of DW can be seen globally in multiple nations, the hands and hearts that make it happen on a daily basis are few.
We are a staff of 5, and 2 of these team members remain the unseen backbone of much of the work.
Read about our administrative support team members, pray for them, and consider if the Lord would have you give a special gift on their behalf today.
Sue’s Story
How did you come to join the team at Developing Workers?
In 2020 I left a part time job that I had. I was not happy with the job but I was also so hesitant to leave because I wasn’t sure what else I should be doing.
I remember having dinner with friends the year before and we were all talking about what kind of job would be our “dream job”. I said I would love to work for a non-profit organization since my passion is to help others in need. Little did I know God had a plan for me and I just needed to be obedient and leave that part-time job that I didn’t even like!
I am so grateful that Developing Workers asked me to join the team in the Fall of 2020! It’s been like “coming home” and doing what I really enjoy.
How long have you been connected to DW?
I started traveling with Kelly Ramsland (my sister in law and the director of DW’s Mobilize Medical ministry) in 2007. I was serving on medical mission trips with her every year – going on at least one trip a year. My last trip was in January 2020 and unfortunately I have not been able to go on a trip since then, but I’m looking forward to going again next year as the Lord leads.
Can you tell us a bit about what your role at DW involves?
Before working for DW, I never thought about all of the administrative “behind the scenes” things that need to happen. There are so many! I’ve really enjoyed diving in and learning new systems, helping with the bookkeeping, editing the website, documenting our processes, establishing new procedures and so many other little things.
What do you enjoy about working with DW?
I love what DW stands for and their mission to make disciples. When Jesus said to make disciples of all nations, I don’t think it was just about having people say one prayer to accept Jesus into their life. That’s a start! But discipleship is so much more. I love that we have 3 areas of ministry that all focus on making disciples. I have done a lot with the Mobilize Medical ministry, but it’s also been so interesting to learn about our Foundations Training and the Leader Coaching and Development ministries.
When I think about all of the medical mission trips that I’ve been on to serve people in poor areas around the world, it wasn’t just about providing medical care. It was to connect people to their local church so they can grow in their relationship with Jesus. Being a small part of that has been awesome!

Leanna’s Story
How did you come to join the team at Developing Workers?
After returning with my family from many years serving full-time overseas, I was looking for a way to keep engaging the nations as well as work from home while my kids were in school. God’s timing was perfect because Michael and the team at DW were also looking for administrative support at the same time. I’m so grateful!
How long have you been connected to DW?
I knew of DW through a close friend in ministry who had been mentored by Michael Parker, but I didn’t personally get connected to DW until I learned they were looking for administrative help. In the summer of 2019, I responded to a Facebook post Michael shared about searching for a virtual assistant, and the rest is history! Connecting with DW served a need in my own life for a work scenario that supported my family well; however, getting to truly engage in the ministry by supporting the staff, ministry partners, and donors on the back-end has connected my heart to the work itself. I’m regularly blessed to see God glorified in this work!
Can you tell us a bit about what your role at DW involves?
Much of my time is spent focusing on the communication within the ministry: social media, newsletters, trip promotion, donor support, event planning, and the like. Though I’m not on the frontlines with our ministry partners, I get to hear and relay the amazing ways God is moving through Developing Workers.
What do you enjoy about working with DW?
There are so many great aspects to my job! I love working alongside a grace-oriented and faithful team. It’s a blessing to be in a position where I learn about the many facets of our work and get to convey their impact to others. I love promoting Developing Workers and seeing donors come partner with us who are equally blessed to do so.
One of the greatest draws for me as someone who served so long overseas is to see global pastors empowered to teach and disciple as opposed to the sometimes more expensive route of a foreign Christian coming to live amongst their peoples to reach them for Christ. I see this model as reproducible and relatable for a local person who is truly seeking God. I love the vision and methods for the ministry of Developing Workers. It’s a joy to be included in God’s work through DW!
Developing Workers keeps a low overhead on administrative fees since each staff member works remotely. However, the funding for administrative support roles is scarce. Would you consider a special gift today to help DW steward the salary of the support roles that keep the ministry grounded and progressing forward?
Donate on behalf of our administrative staff here today!