Some mission trips seem to have bigger and better results. But by what standard do we measure the success of a mission?
When we take a Mobilize Medical team abroad, it is easy to conclude that the win would be the number of patients seen. However, is that the correct standard to judge by?
Our primary goals on these trips is to reach the lost with the life saving message of Jesus Christ, to expand their knowledge of Him, and to help them develop their relationship with their Savior.
Our sights are set on promoting discipleship that flourishes and influences transformation in a people and land, all to God’s glory.
Medicine is a vehicle used to bridge the community with the local church.
Without a church body to embrace new believers in Christ following our team’s medical clinics, the seeds fall on fallow ground without being watered nor nurtured.
Recognizing that strategy and fruit are important indicators for the direction future mission trips, here are some means we do use to evaluate Mobilize Medical trips.
1- How many people declare they repent, turning from sinful ways to follow Christ.
2- How many interventions are made to bring people to a place where they have strength to address their trauma, move towards restoration, and begin to rewrite their story; trusting God for healing, direction, safety, hope and wisdom.
3- Presence of supportive and encouraging relationships built with local pastors, leaders, translators, volunteers and community members. Discipleship happens up close, personal and over time.
4- Patients who go through clinic and have an opportunity to have their medical and emotional needs addressed, but more importantly, their spiritual needs met.
5- Team members whose lives are impacted as they walk in obedience to the call God has put on their lives. They return home with a clarity of the the tasks God has put before them.
A Look at Mexico
Total patients seen: 349
Decisions to follow Jesus: 45
This team to Mexico made a huge impact on the communities served. Greater then 10% of all patients seen said YES to Jesus and found new life in Jesus Christ.
In CSI (Community Safety Initiative), we had many significant cases of abuse where we had the opportunity to bring hope to individuals and families and start them on their healing journey. As patients are heard and seen in these situations, this new trust builds a relationship that fosters discipleship and spiritual transformation through the work of Jesus Christ.
We really enjoyed being with the pastors, Heroes, volunteers, and translators we partnered with. We also gave them the chance to go through CSI to help them heal as they work through issues in their own life, challenges, traumas, and struggles. This was an opportunity to lock arms with them on their journey as they strive to take the gospel into their communities.
We had many medical students with us as translators, as well as 2 local physicians. They were each a huge asset and delight. Their hearts to take time out of their very busy schedules to come be on mission with us, was a beautiful example of their faithfulness to their communities and showed their desire to bring glory to God.
Our team was fantastic. We had 9 regular or returning team members and 9 “newbies”. It is always a joy to experience clinic fresh through the eyes of a new team member. Our new team members jumped in and excelled! It is a joy to welcome each one of them into the DW Mobilize family. They were each a true asset to our Kingdom work.
Developing Workers is so very grateful for our “core team” of people who come on most of the trips. There are so many moving pieces to what we do. Their experience and expertise brings a level of execution that takes the team and mission to the next level. The beautiful collaboration and execution of each person’s strengths and gifts allows us to work effectively for the Kingdom.
We are grateful beyond measure to serve with this amazing, selfless, talented and compassionate team for God’s glory!
Developing Workers exists to equip leaders locally and globally for the work of discipleship. We develop workers to mobilize ministry.
Mobilize Medical is the arm of Developing Workers that utilizes the medium of medicine as a bridge to bring the Gospel and even greater impact to communities in areas that we serve.
This work is both fueled and funded by friends of our ministry.
Thanks to our community of partners like you, all financial contributions quickly transform into pastoral training, service opportunities, coaching and mentorship, special projects in underserved communities, and impactful resources that all bring us one step closer to ending discipleship poverty.
We’re so grateful for you!