Mountain Movers

Our Mobilize Medical teams travel to underserved areas of the world, ready to serve and ready to see God move.

While the teams work together to meet the physical needs of the hurting people in the communities they assist, they also walk many through spiritual counseling and seek to bring salvation to the lost.

They commit themselves to prayer – sometimes even audacious prayers asking the Lord to do the seemingly impossible.

Hear the results of a recent Mobilize Medical team’s mountain moving prayers and the community who was impacted by them.

Last fall, our Mobilize team traveled to Tanzania to work alongside our partners there and provide a medical clinic.  The team met a pastor there, a man known as a fervent and unstoppable prayer warrior. 

Three weeks before our team arrived on the trip, the pastor had a motorbike accident that left him with a crushed elbow.  It was so severely injured and painful that he could hardly moved and cried out to the Lord in prayer, day and night.

Worlds collided as he came to the clinic in hopes of receiving help.  Together, our team prayed with him and cried out to our God, the Mover of Mountains, the great Healer and Provider. 

Developing Workers Mobilize Medical was able to provide funds for the surgery he so desperately needed.  He was treated for an infection they found, and he underwent surgery.  All this was, of course, in hopes of providing the relief and care our brother in Christ so desperately needed.  What’s more, though, is that these procedures were necessary to restore the use of his arm and allow him to continue traveling from spot to spot in ministry.

The results of this trip and the outpouring of care, financial support for this pastor, sowing seeds of truth and in prayer are already visibly evident. 

Our pastor friend is healed and actively involved in his ministry again, testifying to the goodness of the Living God who sent Mobilize Medical to this Tanzanian village. 

What’s more, the partners we work with there also attest to the mountains that were moved in prayer and service – more than 90% of the people in the community there attribute healing they’ve experienced to the work of this Mobilize Medical team and the God they serve.  Praise Him with us!

When God calls us to do His work, He goes before us and hems us in on all sides, He heals, He restores and He provides. 

If stories like these from the Mobilize Medical branch of Developing Workers move you with a desire to serve or send more volunteer workers, reach out today.

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