Mark you calendar & change the world

Can you look back on a person in your life that exemplified God’s pursuit of you – 

perhaps someone who shared a Bible with you, took you to a local church, loved you with devotion, spoke to you with passion and conviction about Jesus Christ?

Have you ever thought about the fact that this person likely discipled you into faith

Discipleship is the multiplying factor that can change the world!

Jesus taught us to go, to make disciples of all nations and to restore what was broken by sin between God and man. Jesus modeled disciple-making by walking with, teaching, and sending out His own disciples. 

We learn from His example. We follow His command.  We recognize disciples who multiply have even greater capacity for impact!

Developing Workers Global exists to equip leaders for the Great Commission to make disciples, and in order for discipleship to flourish, new disciples ought to also make disciples.

Discipleship that multiplies in Jesus’ name has the power to change the entire world!

Mark Your Calendars!

Participate with us this year in the global giving challenge on Giving Tuesday.

We invite you to be part of the incredible initiative to change the world and multiply discipleship by financially supporting Developing Workers in just over a month’s time – on November 28, 2023.  Mark your calendars today, and let’s watch God’s people respond generously!

If you’re receiving this, it’s because you’re our treasured inner circle of family, friends, volunteers, and supporters. YOU are those who helped us achieve last year’s success in our Giving Tuesday goal, and God used YOU to make our work possible throughout 2023.

This year, would you prayerfully consider your gift for Giving Tuesday, helping us continue in every effort to build up leaders for discipleship locally and globally?

Stay tuned!

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