Embrace Courage

As we step into 2024, we’re excited to share with you our word for the year:


In a world that demands resilience and daring choices, we believe that courage is the catalyst for transformative experiences and meaningful growth.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9

Stepping forward with courage:

The fruit of being with God, in his presence, is stepping forward with courage. We see God calling us to be courageous in these areas for Developing Workers:

Live powerfully. Love powerfully.

“As I live powerfully in his presence, I will love others powerfully.”

This is what DW is all about. Showing up in God’s strength with courage to serve and minister to our leaders who can then empower the people around them and in their church.

In Kenya, we have the opportunity to support our ministry partners who are starting a new bible college. We anticipated only 20 people, but God is proving his faithfulness to serve over 40 people

God is opening doors. 

He is calling us to be courageous.

It takes courage to make a change

Would you join us in being courageous this year? Where do you need to be courageous this year?

  • mend a relationship and ask for forgiveness?
  • devote more time in prayer?
  • take better care of the Lord’s temple and strengthen your body

Lean into the Lord and seek after where He is calling you to be more courageous. You are not alone! We are doing this with you!

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