DW in India

Developing Workers Updates for India and Kenya

India – (October)

We’re returning to India with both a training and medical missions team. Our group of volunteer doctors and nurses will be in southern India where Developing Workers has been involved in the past.  

The opportunity to see people come to Christ is really exciting! We look forward to deepening connections next month, as we have been pouring into staff of One Child there and we will also meet with local pastors.

Working with Brave Global, our team will teach a discipleship curriculum based around girls and women being brave as well as boys and men being true. As they are discipled and encouraged to walk in their identity, may these girls and women find their courage to live a strong life, may these boys and men understand the Bible’s truth teaching them to be a man of God!  

On this trip, a couple of the team of Brave Global are joining to help expose their team to our ministry and do some training as we form more mutual integration. One of our goals is to learn more from Brave Global on discipleship specifically for girls who have been trafficked and are in abusive situations.

We truly believe that a restorative discipleship model will move to bring hope and restoration to a generation of youth where 1 out of 2 young people have experienced sexual abuse. 

Kenya – (November)

Michael, along with 3 other men, will set out for Nairobi. There the men will continue pastoral development through the teaching of 1 Peter, showing pastors how to study the Bible and live out discipleship in their communities.  

Michael will share a leadership piece everyday of the trip based on the lives of Peter and Jesus, emphasizing how to manage a church and also be a man of character. He’s really excited for this!  

Watch this video from a Pastor in Kenya sharing his experience with DW

This is a return trip after being active in Kenya a number of years and pouring into these relationships. There have been 21 churches planted so far as a result of the work there.

This trip will include praying for a new church plant and going to a new community, walking among that community, and asking the Lord to grow His church there.

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