Back in the Swing: Traveling Again

What a great privilege it is to partner with church and local leaders around the globe!

Over these many months of closed borders and travel restrictions, our team and global partners have maintained a relationship of mutual encouragement through email and Zoom chats, when possible, and always through continual prayer. The flooding of gifts through the DW Crisis Fund arrived for some partners in ministry as incredible answers to prayer. And now the time to travel again has returned!

It is pure joy to be back in-person in the communities overseas that we serve. We get to be a part of seeing God’s provisions bless communities as our teams are training leaders through Foundations, bringing medical help through Mobilize, and screening and counseling through the Community Safety Initiative. Hear the responses of some who returned from the most recent trip to Tanzania.

JEFF, a pastor, mentor, and discipleship trainer with a passion to serve others explained:

“Our trip to Tanzania put a fresh wind in my sails. I was feeling discouraged and overwhelmed before the trip. The weight of life was heavy. This trip was exactly what I needed. God did above and beyond anything I could have imagined. It was so inspiring being a part of a team who didn’t quit and worked hard to see lives transformed. Our team was committed to the vision and mission! The team stepped up and I was so encouraged by the effort and drive displayed. I believe God honored our work in an unbelievable way. I can’t wait to hear more stories of impact from the community we served. I am grateful for the Tanzanian people for teaching and inspiring me! God changed me this trip! I am feeling encouraged and inspired to continue being a faithful servant in his Kingdom.”

PAIGE, a veteran traveler who started serving on medical mission trips when she was 12 years old; now an experienced RN who serves faithfully with Mobilize Medical, shares the heartache she experienced in Tanzania:

“How do I hold a sick baby when I know everything that needs to be done for him but have none of the necessary supplies to make it happen? When in the bush of Africa, all the supplies you have is all you brought. We bring emergency medications and breathing treatments but there’s a cap to that. We don’t have oxygen. We don’t have the ability to intubate or to maintain that. We don’t have medications to maintain a septic patient that is struggling to breath.

Sometimes knowledge can break your heart… Knowing exactly what to do but not being able to do it. When the nearest hospital, which is more of just a pharmacy, is 3 hours away all on a dirt road – you have to make do with what you have until the ambulance shows up. The ambulance – whose only supply is a single ambu bag with no oxygen to connect it to. How can I hand a mom a dying baby as I place them in the back of an ambulance that I know can’t maintain his breathing?

I watched them drive off with a cloud of dirt left behind. I could hear the sirens in my head for the rest of the day until we heard the news. My heart breaks with this baby’s family as they mourn their sweet boy. I am held together by the trust that he is now in paradise with Jesus, the best place to be!”

There is much work to be done and many needs in the communities we partner with.  We are eager to continue our work alongside the pastors and community leaders we serve abroad. 

Will You Join Us?

KENYA, September 15-26, 2021
TANZANIA, November 4-14, 2021

Will You Send Us?

Give for the first time online or by initiating your own donor portal to continue giving from.

Give again to fund the work of Developing Workers and specific trip participants for this fall.

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