How Your Support Strengthens Our Pastors

As we spend time with pastors, we realize they are navigating through exceptionally challenging times. The church and our faith are being tested in many ways, both socially and politically. We are reminded daily of the critical role your partnership plays in supporting our dedicated workers locally and globally.

Recent statistics reveal that over 50% of those in ministry feel discouraged and are contemplating stepping down from their roles. The current state of youth ministry is particularly daunting, presenting unprecedented challenges. Despite these difficulties, we find hope and resilience through the one-on-one mentoring and support we are providing for these leaders.

At Developing Workers, we pursue pastors to offer them the mentorship and support they need. By providing practical advice, emotional encouragement, and a strong sense of community, we instill in these leaders the durable hope needed to persevere in their vital roles.

Your support has been instrumental in creating safe spaces where young leaders can confide, share, and grow. Through your generosity, we have seen significant improvements in the longevity and effectiveness of youth pastors. This up-close, personal, and over time mentoring ensures that these leaders feel seen, safe, and secure. We advocate to them, for them, and with them. We provide a place for them to be fully known.

To continue this vital work, we need your help. Your donations directly impact our ability to provide ongoing mentorship and support to pastors facing these extraordinary challenges. Would you consider becoming a monthly donor to help provide consistent support? Please consider making a donation today to help us sustain and expand our efforts.


Thank you for standing with us and for your unwavering commitment to developing resilient, hopeful, and effective ministry leaders. Together, we are making a difference in the lives of those who shepherd the church, cultivating a culture of support that will endure for years to come.

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