Are you an Arizona-based parent or connected to someone who is?
Odds are, you certainly are!
Developing Workers has a valuable opportunity for you.
Deepening Connections: An Evening for Learning
Parents of every age, stage, and background face the same challenge of orienting their parenting in a way that connects to their childrens’ hearts.
In a post-pandemic society, we might also declare that there are added challenges and a changed culture that contribute to the struggle: isolation, stress, trauma, confusing gender ideologies, the competing lure of technology and a materialistic world.
As believers, even as we know our ultimate hope and best source for wisdom is all found in Christ Jesus, we are especially in need of resources that will direct us in a God-honoring, sound manner for parenting.
With all this in mind, Developing Workers aims to serve our community by bringing Curt Thompson, MD to teach.
Whether you know of the Christian psychiatrist Curt Thompson, MD from his books or BeingKnown podcast, we think you’ll agree that his insight into relationships, neuroscience, and healing trauma could play an invaluable role in informing our parenting.
Join us at one of two opportunities to learn how to deepen our connections as parents in February!
Parenting in a Broken World
Friday, February 24 in Tempe, AZ
Saturday, February 25 in Mesa, AZ
Added bonus:
If you are a fostering or adoptive family, thanks to our partnership with AZ1.27, training hours can be completed by attending this time.
Thanks to faithful supporters like you, Developing Workers is able to impact our region and culture – and ultimately, the world – with the Gospel message and the empowerment for discipleship.
These parenting events are just one of many avenues we are involved in to support multiplying disciples.
Read more about opportunities to serve or donate to Developing Workers today!