Over 4 events, hundreds were influenced by the teaching of Curt Thompson, MD

Building Up Leaders Locally

Through the 3 arms of ministry at Developing Workers, our common aim is to equip leaders for discipleship. 

Recently, our team had the opportunity to serve together toward the goal of building up local ministry leaders. 

Hundreds from in and around the greater Phoenix area – as well as several from outside the region – came to be equipped through the teachings of Curt Thompson, MD.

Hear testimonies and celebrate with us what the Lord began and accomplished during this time!

On applying what was learned to leadership:

  • “I loved the depth to which Dr. Thompson explored man as created by God and known by him. I’ve already reviewed my notes a few times, shared what I learned with family members, and used what I learned in a talk that I gave recently!”
  • “God shows himself in Genesis 1 to be the perfect leader; creating, separating, giving purpose to, and enjoying his work. He shows himself as the perfect leader, as we should be creating and speaking life and purpose into one another. He is also always coming for us even when shame tries to pit us against one another and hide from God.
  • “All people need to feel seen, soothed, safe and secure and if you can provide those things as a leader your people will be able to come to the table vulnerably and able to tell their stories more truly!”
  • “The question is never, ‘Am I going to be vulnerable?’ It is always ‘How vulnerable am I willing to be in this moment?’””
  • “Remembering that it is not good for man to be alone so building strong community built around gospel-centered accountability will lead to life changing righteousness by the work of the Holy Spirit.”
  • “I want to practice like [Curt Thompson], using biblical wisdom that I meditate on more than opposite approach of searching out books and podcasts on topics which is great, but must be seen as supplements not the main course. So I guess I want to change my information intake diet because of him.”
  • “Grateful to have met another Christian psychiatrist who cares deeply for people, and wants to bring healing, hope and compassion, not just medication.”
  • “It is beneficial for our roles here in a Pregnancy Resource Center, leading as the creator leads with empathy and compassion”

On discipleship in parenting:

  • “Seek to listen more, give less advice, acknowledge my own biases that I bring to a relationship and share more readily how much God loves us (…see, soothe, and be a safe place)”
  • “Jesus wants us to walk in freedom from shame. When looking at my own parenting, I must first look at what He’s calling me to respond to in my own heart instead of expecting the transformation in my child first and foremost.”
  • “Parents are world-interpreters for children. Jesus is our world-interpreter.”
  • “I will learn how to do the work necessary to show up with a healthier and more whole presence, attentive to the work and movement of the Spirit as he transforms me and uses me in the work of transforming his kingdom.”

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