Foundations Global has been busy fulfilling God’s calling for 2019 by sending trainers throughout the world. We have been blessed to see 4,268 pastors and leaders trained in 14 countries. Here is a highlight from two of the countries served and a few prayer requests.
Bruce Ciotta and Bret Sizemore trained 124 pastors and leaders in 7 workshops in 5 cities in Peru. Five of the workshops were how to study the Bible and preach effective biblical sermons. Bruce and Bret taught two of the groups of pastors and leaders a review of our workshops that they had previously been taught.
Bruce and Bret met with Pastor Enrique to plan for future training centers in Peru. The plans below show multiple training centers in northern and southern Peru. Pastor Enrique coordinated previous training centers for our trainers.
Mexico City
Matt Swartz and Mike Fike trained 40 pastors and leaders from 10 Presbyterian churches in Mexico City how to make multiplying disciples using the Foundations Global discipleship material. We modeled how to lead a Foundations group and then coached them as they led groups.
Matt and Mike also met with the president of the Presbyterian denomination in Mexico and several denominational leaders. They want us to train at least 4 pastors in each of 14 presbyteries (regions) who will then train other pastors. There are 69 presbyteries and 6,000 Presbyterian churches in Mexico. The plan is for us to go back to Mexico in November to start meeting with these pastors and present our ministry to them and develop a plan for training them with our workshops with the goal of finishing the Great Commission in Mexico. We will also train the pastors in Mexico City with Workshop 2, which is how to balance ministry and personal life.
Future Plans
- Matt will be in Spain making presentations to key pastors to develop plans for us to train pastors and leaders there.
- Training in multiple cities in Peru starting this fall.
- Training in multiple cities in Mexico starting in November.
- Our trainers will be in 2 Asian countries this fall training pastors how to make multiplying disciples.
- Matt will be in Brazil in March training pastors how to make multiplying disciples
- Possibility for training in Tanzania.
Please Pray
- Thank God for the possibility of training pastors in new countries.
- Thank God for the expansion in Mexico and Peru.
- Thank God for the strategic partners and new trainers that Matt has recruited.
- For the pastors and leaders we have trained to make multiplying disciples.
- That our trainers can raise the support they need for their expenses.
- For reliable translators.
- For Spanish speaking trainers.
- For more trainers to reach more countries.
- For the Great Commission to be finished!
Your Partnership Is Making A Difference!
Foundations Global is under the umbrella of Developing Workers. To give to our trainers, click on the “Donate” button below. Then fill out the “Contribute Now” form.