A Developing Workers Update- August 2018

Thank you for being a part of Developing Workers. As a result of the generosity of so many, people are being impacted all over the world. God is moving in the hearts of those who know Him, He is calling more to Him, and He is equipping more to lead others. It is such an exciting time! This summer we have had several groups out in the field doing amazing things. Whitney Payne has a heart for missions and was dedicated to find a way to achieve her goals with the mobility limits she faces being in a wheelchair. Whitney decided to serve this summer as an intern. At first, her challenge was to figure out if each location she went to (Liverpool and Poland) would be conducive for her mobility. However, as time progressed she learned to trust that if God had called her to a location, He would provide a way. Whitney was able to serve in both Liverpool, England and Poznan, Poland. Whitney made immediate connections with kids and God has built confidence in her as she speaks to people about the gospel. She is such a blessing to everyone, the kids flocked to her, both because of her shining personality, and a chance to ride on her wheelchair. Developing Workers was blessed to help make her dreams to do ministry a reality. We have seen God move in our summer trips and are so excited for what is ahead. Our fall trips are just around the corner! Our teams are in a need of a mini projector that can be taken along in a carry-on when traveling. The cost of this item will be $300, if you are interested in funding or donating towards to this specific gift please reach out to Michael. Our teams will be traveling to the following locations in the coming months and would love your prayer and support! August- East Africa September- India/Nepal October- Mexico, Acapulco, South Africa, and Peru November- Kenya We are so excited for all the ways God will move in and through these trips. Please join us in prayer for the following: Team members safety and health Team members families while they are away Team members heart and mind (prepared for the work!) That we would multiply disciples The details/logistics A Note from Michael The Parker family stayed busy through the summer! The whole family was back together as the college-bound kiddos returned to the nest. Swim lessons were in full effect, which makes for a fun summer full of smiling faces (mostly). At the end of the summer, we were able to enjoy some time in Seattle and a cruise to Alaska with Chris’s parents and aunt Barb, who graciously provided the trip for the entire family!While on the cruise we were able to participate in an Escape Room which our exceedingly competitive crew actually won! Our family could not have been prouder! But the highlight of the trip for us was both joyful and somber, as we spent time in Skagway where Chris’s brother ashes had been spread years ago. We had a chance to share memories and pray together as we remembered his life. Even though some time has passed since his departure, it was a sweet time for the family. My father-in-law Jim accepted Christ years ago in response to watching his family deal with Mikey’s death with such hope. So we could think of no better way to honor Mikey than returning home from Alaska to baptize Jim. I had the privilege, alongside my mother-in-law Sue, to baptize my father-in-law in our family pool with Jim’s daughter and grandchildren. It was an amazing moment for our whole family, one that I know we cherish for years to come.