Investing Deeply – Josh Kahindi

At Developing Workers, we invest deeply in future church leaders like Josh Kahindi, a young man from Kenya who discovered his passion for ministry during Michael’s pastor training visit.

Partnering with Global Churches

At Developing Workers, partnering with global churches is at the heart of our mission. One of our key partnerships is with Global Surge, where we connect with individuals passionate about serving globally.

Thank You for Your Love and Support!

We are so grateful for your unwavering love and support. This week, the Developing Workers team had the wonderful opportunity to come together.

Insider Look: Book Recs

Want an insider look into what we use when we are discipling our leaders? These books are not just helpful for our leaders, but are books we recommend for YOU as well!

Continuing Our Journey in Discipleship

This week, we are excited to introduce our very own discipleship curriculum called Foundations. Designed to mirror Jesus’ method with His disciples, Foundations offers a structured yet personal journey, suitable for small groups or one-on-one study.