Parker Family Update
Investing Deeply: Steven felt called to ministry during a 2019 mission trip to Honduras. Now, he’s a passionate communicator of God’s Word, leading and serving with a full heart.
Team Swartz: Partnering with Churches Across the Globe
“Team Swartz” has traveled across the world to support and equip church leaders, and they have plans to continue that travel in the next few months.
Welcome to the Team: Peter Gonzalez
We are thrilled to welcome Peter Gonzalez to our team and share his incredible journey with you.
Discipleship Material Spotlight
We’re actively empowering pastors and leaders to cultivate multiplying disciples within their communities.
Changes on the Horizon for DW
Changes on the Horizon for DW. We are celebrating the upcoming changes with Developing Workers and know that God will be glorified.
100K Update & Philippines Trip
Your generosity is helping us move forward with confidence and purpose as we look ahead to the next 15 years.
New Adventures with DW!
Michael and Matt are making waves at the Global Surge conference this week. They’re diving deep into networking and connecting with pastors from all corners of the globe.
Bible College in Kenya
Pastor Daniel Chai and the Kombe family have initiated a Bible college in Kakoneni, Kenya, dedicated to equipping future leaders for ministry.
Embrace Courage
In a world that demands resilience and daring choices, we believe that courage is the catalyst for transformative experiences and meaningful growth.
Year end goal update!
As we bid farewell to 2023, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support throughout the year.